General Terms and Conditions

1 Subject matter and scope of the GTC
These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) govern the relationship between First Feuerwerkshop GmbH as the operator of the webshop and the customer.
The customer can be any natural or legal person who purchases fireworks articles via the webshop or in the store of First Feuerwerkshop
GmbH store. All deliveries and services provided by First Feuerwerkshop GmbH are governed exclusively by the latest version of these GTC at the time the order is placed. Deviating terms and conditions are only binding for First Feuerwerkshop GmbH after express written consent.
By placing an order, the customer accepts these GTC in full. The GTC thus form an integral part of the contractual relationship between First Feuerwerkshop GmbH and the customer.

2. important notes
Pyrotechnic articles (fireworks) are divided into the following categories:

  • Category I (Recommendation: No release under the age of 12):
    Pyrotechnic article with very low hazard potential, including those intended for use in buildings. No sales permit from the canton is required for category I pyrotechnic articles. There are also no time restrictions on sales.
  • Category II (may not be sold to persons under the age of 12):
    Pyrotechnic article with low hazard potential, for use in small, open areas outdoors.
  • Category III (May not be supplied to persons under 18 years of age):
    Pyrotechnic article with increased hazard potential, for use in wide, open outdoor areas.
  • Category IV (may only be sold to persons over the age of 18 with a sales record):
    Pyrotechnic article with considerable hazard potential. Sellers of category IV pyrotechnic articles must keep a register. The register must provide information on the type, quantity, origin and whereabouts. Category IV pyrotechnic articles may not be sold in the retail trade (open sale). The sale may only take place with a sales protocol from the Swiss Coordination Office for Fireworks (SKF) and after detailed instruction by the seller. The instructions given/carried out must be confirmed by the seller and buyer by means of a signature.
  • Category T1 (may not be supplied to persons under the age of 18):
    Pyrotechnic article for industrial, technical or agricultural purposes which, due to its nature and on the basis of the instructions for use supplied, guarantees safe handling and safe use. This category T1 also includes so-called indoor and stage fireworks.
  • Category T2 (may not be supplied to persons under the age of 18):
    Pyrotechnic articles that are intended for use by persons with specialist knowledge on stages indoors and outdoors, including indoor and outdoor fireworks.
    indoor and outdoor use, including use in film and television productions or similar uses.
    are intended. A purchase certificate or a burning permit in accordance with SprstV Article 47 is required for the purchase. There is an obligation to keep records
    (also for the user).
  • Category P1 (may not be supplied to persons under the age of 18):
    Pyrotechnic articles other than fireworks and pyrotechnic articles for use on
    pyrotechnic articles that pose a low risk.
  • Category P2 (May not be supplied to persons under the age of 18):
    Pyrotechnic articles other than fireworks and pyrotechnic articles for use on
    pyrotechnic articles intended only for handling or use by persons with specialist knowledge. There is an obligation to keep records (also for the user).

The customer has expressly taken note of the above-mentioned instructions.

3. safety instructions
The customer acknowledges that the use of fireworks is potentially dangerous and requires great care.
The customer undertakes to read the relevant safety instructions in these GTC, on the website and in the specific product documentation - in some cases directly on the
specific product documentation - in some cases printed directly on the packaging or supplied separately and in addition to the product - and to comply with them.

4. age limit
First Feuerwerkshop GmbH does not sell fireworks to persons under the age of 18. By submitting the order, the customer expressly confirms that he/she is at least 18 years old.
For age verification purposes, the customer must send a copy of their identity card or passport to First Feuerwerkshop GmbH when placing an order, otherwise the order will not be processed.
Proof of age can be sent by e-mail(, by fax
(062 824 27 60), by MMS (077 256 38 34) or by post (First Feuerwerkshop GmbH, Siebenmatten 1B, 5032 Aarau-Rohr).

5 Offer, order and conclusion of contract
First Feuerwerkshop GmbH exclusively sells fireworks articles.
The presentation of products and services in the online store does not constitute a legally binding offer. The contract is only concluded upon delivery of the
written order confirmation from First Feuerwerkshop GmbH to the customer.
Orders can only be placed in writing, namely via the online store. By placing an order, the customer accepts these GTC as an integral part of the contract.

6. use of the fireworks articles only intended within Switzerland
The fireworks items sold are intended exclusively for use in Switzerland.
Accordingly, First Feuerwerkshop GmbH only delivers within Switzerland. The customer undertakes not to export the purchased fireworks articles out of Switzerland.

7 Delivery and service conditions
The scope of delivery and service is determined by the order confirmation of First Feuerwerkshop GmbH.
The place of performance for the delivery of goods and payment of the purchase price is the registered office of First Feuerwerkshop GmbH, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.
otherwise agreed in writing.
You can read details of the shipping conditions here.
We have a shipping license to all cantons.

8 Prices and terms of payment
All prices listed in the online store are gross prices in Swiss francs (CHF) including VAT ex warehouse.
For custom-made products, the prices in the documentation and the order confirmation apply. The goods are paid for by the customer in advance or directly on delivery. Payment by invoice is possible for corporate customers. In this case, the invoice is payable within 14 days. Excluded from this are fireworks which are ordered from us as a service. Only advance payment applies here.
In the event of late payment, First Feuerwerkshop GmbH will charge the customer default interest of 6%.
You will automatically receive an invoice by email. You will not receive any payment slips from us.
You can download your invoices at any time in your account

9 Cancellation and default of acceptance
Cancellations can be made free of charge within 24 hours of receipt of the order. Cancellations that are not made within 24 hours of receipt of the order will be charged at least 50% of the order value, plus any shipping costs incurred.

Orders for collection must be scheduled within 10 days and collected within 14 days.
If a customer does not appear on an agreed collection date, a handling fee of CHF 25.00 will be charged.

Special case August 1st and New Year's Eve:
For organizational reasons, orders intended for collection from our sales stands must be scheduled for collection within 3 days of the order being placed. If this does not happen, we reserve the right to cancel the order and charge a handling fee of CHF 25.00

Special case of equipment rental and extra products provided for the customer.
100% of the costs will be charged.

10. return of fireworks articles
In principle, the return of fireworks items is excluded, as fireworks are perishable goods.
Incorrect deliveries or returns may only be returned in the original packaging following a written request from First Feuerwerkshop GmbH. If Feuerwerkshop items are returned without the written consent of First Feuerwerkshop GmbH, the goods will be destroyed at the customer's expense.

11 Warranty and notice of defects
The customer must check the condition of the goods immediately. Any defects found must be reported to First Feuerwerkshop GmbH in writing within 5 days of receipt of the goods.
within 5 days of receipt of the goods, otherwise any warranty shall lapse.

12 Fireworks as a service
First Feuerwerkshop GmbH also offers customized fireworks displays for special occasions (including professional firing on site).
As a rule, these fireworks are payable in advance. In the event of bad weather, in particular rain, snow and/or wind, force majeure
force majeure, customer or safety-related circumstances are responsible for the fact that the fireworks can only be set off partially or not at all, the customer is not entitled to a refund from First Feuerwerkshop GmbH. There is also no right to a refund if the fireworks did not meet the customer's expectations. If a fireworks display ordered is canceled in writing by the customer at least 7 days before the planned date, the customer shall bear 50% of the agreed costs in accordance with the order confirmation from First Feuerwerkshop GmbH. The date of receipt of the cancellation by First Feuerwerkshop GmbH is decisive for compliance with the deadline. If the cancellation is made less than 7 days before the scheduled date, the customer shall bear 100% of the agreed costs.

13 Liability
First Feuerwerkshop GmbH accepts no liability for damage to the customer or third parties caused by disregarding the safety instructions and/or precautions.
and/or precautionary measures. Liability for material damage to the customer or third parties is limited to the extent permitted by law
for slight and medium negligence to the extent permitted by law.

14 Compliance with official sanctions
The customer undertakes not to distribute any products purchased from First Feuerwerkshop GmbH to a country that is subject to official sanctions in
Switzerland, the EU, the USA or other recognized countries which may affect the use or application of such products.
The customer undertakes to impose this obligation on its purchasers as well, with an obligation to pass on the obligation.

15 Amendments to the GTC
First Feuerwerkshop GmbH reserves the full right to amend these GTC at any time.

16 Supplementary provisions on copyright guidelines
We expressly reserve the right to create and utilize our own photographs and film recordings for advertising and promotional purposes if we are commissioned to provide a service (wedding fireworks, events, etc.). If you do not wish this, please let us know when you request a quote. This is essential for us to calculate the quotation. If you do not inform us of this, we reserve the right to either declare the offer invalid or to recalculate the offer.

17. severability clause
Should any provision of these GTC be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In the event of
invalidity or ineffectiveness of a provision, it shall be replaced by an effective provision that comes closest to the economic purpose of the invalid provision.

18 Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
All contracts between the customer and First Feuerwerkshop GmbH are subject exclusively to Swiss law, to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
The exclusive place of jurisdiction is the registered office of First Feuerwerkshop GmbH

19: Delivery time for dangerous goods
The delivery time for dangerous goods is between 5 and 7 days.


Shipping country
 Deutsch  English  Fanrzösisch  Italienisch

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